Monday, February 16, 2009


We are a group of players and singers but we are a dichotomy.
Caught between rockin’ out for Jesus and pleasing the saints,
the only time we can really be ourselves is when we’re rolling down the highway.
Yes sir…no, maam…whatever you say, pastor…we are all things to all people
thank you Paul.
On the west coast…the left coast, packed with crazies and weirdo’s and surfer dudes we are pleasantly surprised to find a Bible belt in the middle of California.
And in the middle of the Bible belt we find a drug culture and Satan worship. Thank God for church coffee houses.
Magnolia Mississippi pops into my mind. Great church, pleasant, normal everyday people, southern hospitality…and high school kids into drugs without the parents having a clue.
Mankato State College in Minnesota was the site of the first New Hope dance. Really. Our booker’s idea of a joke I guess. We worked up some jams and vocals to “California Dreaming” on the bus that day.
We survived only to find that after an overnighter we were headlining a rock concert at Kiel Opera House in St Louis! Then on to Fort Sill to rock a serviceman’s dance. Wow.
Bible thumpers, pew jumpers, Holy Ghost revelators and tongue speakers tried to put a mind trip on us in Washington one night. I think they prayed over one guy for hours trying to force him to speak languages not instructed to him.
This is, indeed, the Hallelujah Trail.

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